Un día de primavera Laura va eixir de sa

  • Un día de primavera Laura va eixir de sa casa per anar a l'escola. Com pensava que faria un poc de fresca portava una jaqueta blava damunt de la camisa. Al poc d'anar caminant
  • "ella estube cansada y se quedo a una escalera al sol."she wrote on her(very bad)Spanish mixed with her native Portuguese trying to follow the previous fold,wich was on a strange
  • planet filled with exclusively English speakers fond of breaking the fourth wall. They pointed at you and laughed, and you cried, and I died a little inside.
  • But since I was a vampire, dying a little inside did nothing but increase my Vampiricism, so they made be the assistant manager of Evil Assignments, which basicallyy
  • did nothing because I was already loaded with all the Evil Assignments I could find. I shrugged and the rest of my night went well, especially when I drank this girl's blood who
  • had been drinking Laphroaig that night leaving the slight taste of home in her blood. But the thought of this new mission, despite my full docket, itched my undead mind. What if
  • I went with her to the Isle of Mull. There is no sun for 95% of the year so the undead do great there. We boarded the SS OchAye, our black capes billowing, and slept in our coffins
  • . They were tanning coffins. You see, we (the undead) wanted to look healthy. We needed a little color &, after mulling it over for a while, decided this was safer than risking sun
  • damage. Death wasn't an issue, but when you have eternity, blemishes from melanoma and such can be a real concern. Confident that the tanning coffins were 110% safe, we all
  • knew what that meant, so we all agreed to sit together on the curb outside our favorite mercado in the nice Angeleno sun, as a challenge to the real bloodsuckers.


  1. mensaque May 10 2013 @ 20:10

    Gotta love a vampire story...

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