I panicked and threw the crowbar as hard

  • I panicked and threw the crowbar as hard as I could and hit him dead in the chest, stopping him in his tracks with a sickening crack. An experiment to create 12 people
  • from licorice was probably a mistake. But Mr. Peabody down at the shop had said there'd be no problem. Beware the club-footed cashier, mom had said. Did I listen? Nooooo
  • because I had cauliflower ear and the bubbled-up cartilage blocked everything. It was the first time I ever had peace because my mom was a "perfectionist" who talked too much
  • . I'd just nod and keep quiet. She didn't like being interrupted anyway. One day my mother asked me a question. I could tell by the way she raised her eyebrows and paused.
  • She always ended her questions with that particular gesture. I, on the other hand, preferred to
  • use words to describe my meaning. I had learned my lesson once when I gestured that I wanted my girlfriend to refill the pepper mill and she thought I meant
  • play with my personal pepper-mill! She will do this once in a while but not in a restaurant. She slapped me and said wait till I get you home. Wow! I can't wait. This will be
  • birthday ever. There must be a big surprise for me at home, that's why she said it. I jumped up from the table and sprinted for all my life
  • toward home, hoping for the return of my lost dog "Sam" or maybe a new B-B gun. This birthday would be special. At least this year there wouldn't be
  • some creepy old guy in a clown suit that smelled like pickled eggs. No, this year there would be some real entertainment.


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