Thirty-five pizza box were stacked near the

  • Thirty-five pizza box were stacked near the five years of newspapers and the egg cartons organized by color, farm and manufacturer. When Estell found Amazon Fresh, it was the last
  • week before her wedding. She needed to gain another 50 pounds. She had to be fat enough for the photos. She had Manteca enemas, Gnochi in an IV drip and was devouring Peeps
  • In half-gagging swallows. She really hated Peeps.
  • And yet she knew, when your job is QA inspector at an Easter candy company, you just have to grin and chew it.
  • She glided over to the shelf, slowly, delicately. With a glance to her side she removed the candy from the shelf, placing it in her bag. The first rebellion.
  • Then she took the purloined candy out of her bag and placed it in her sister's bag. The second rebellion. What would be her next escapade against her moral code?
  • Brilliant! She'd move the positions of her families toothbrushes. Her sister would freak out if only she knew. Another escapade came to mind
  • - she would apple-pie the sheets on her parents' bed, and put ice at the foot of her sister's bed. Ha ha! This was going to be a brilliant April 1st. What else could she do...
  • Come to think of it - she still had a five liter box of vanilla ice cream in the freezer.
  • five litres of delicious dairy ice cream and no one to share it with, what a shame!she realised that this was one problem that she could solve on her own, she settled down and ate.


  1. Davodd Mar 19 2011 @ 20:40

    C'mon folks - someone me a pity vote.

  2. RhettOracle Mar 22 2011 @ 18:31

    Davood, consider yourself pitifully sated. :)

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