When folding stories, I find it a lot better

  • When folding stories, I find it a lot better than drinking on St. Patrick's day. Too many drunks in Andetsdonville, my mum complained. Better to fold storied, she told me whilst
  • preparing the fireworks that she would launch into the attics of the neighbors she despised. "So many yahoos about on these so-called drinking holidays," Mum mused. St. Patrick's D
  • ay wasn't about the Leprechauns or the Pot O Gold at the end of the Rainbow any more. It was about drinking green beer, lots of it and then, who would get lucky in
  • taking the fair maiden's hand. She was a geunine silkie, soft coat and long-flowing hair. All the leprechauns would've given up their gold coins just to be with her, "Shoshanna".
  • "Will you be my bride?" She blushed and slowly nodded her head. This is a dream come true! Shoshanna and Shoshinnie, happily ever after.
  • But when Shoshanna awoke from her dream only to find her dog Wuffles snoring in her face, she despaired. Had Shoshinnie been only a figment of her fantasies? She could still see
  • traces of her neon fright wig scattered about the cold bare floor and the half eaten chicken sandwhich on the window sill.
  • By the time that Tina Laguna got to the scene the chicken sandwich had already been tagged & bagged. She had no trouble finding where it had been because the ants found it first.
  • The ants were bright red and crawling all over the stains that she could see in the carpet. The sandwich had left a nasty musterd stain and Tina could only immagine the annoyance o
  • f the landlord when he learned he’d have to call both an exterminator and a carpet cleaner. Tina chose not to deal with his wrath and decided to move out and not renew her lease.


  1. Woab Mar 08 2018 @ 12:56

    Note: This story took 8 days shy of two years to complete. But AnalogJim's line made it worth the wait.

  2. AnalogJim Mar 10 2018 @ 01:45

    That's very cool of you to say, Woab, but to be honest, your "figment of her fantasies" triggered my line. It pretty much wrote itself after that.

  3. Woab Mar 10 2018 @ 11:09

    Those are always the best kind. I could instantly picture the synthetic rainbow curlies on the floor and the abandoned sandwich on the sill, lit by the dim light of a cloudy morning.

  4. LordVacuity Mar 10 2018 @ 16:18

    Oh, that is right. Tina Laguna works nights at the Omaha Love Doll plant.

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