Oh the goose and the geese, the moose and

  • Oh the goose and the geese, the moose and the meese, I am loose with the lease, I drink booze with the bees.
  • And praise their bare knees. I'm uncooth and have fleas, drink vermouth with headcheese, but wise as Socrates. I'm the Woods poet coming at you live with barky rinds and
  • gnarly rhymes. I'm a highway-hatin, bulldozer castratin, outdoors masturbatin, son of a son of a frontier man. I once got busy in the crown of an oak tree. I'm the Woods Poet, don'
  • I stalked my next victim before i realized i need to go to church more often and if i keep sinning i will most likely be going to hell.
  • Then I realised that murdering a bunch of six-year-olds back in '06 had probably already netted me a place in hell, so I continued to stalk my next victim.
  • I had never read Crime and Punishment, so the idea of redemption was beyond me, but it wouldn't stop me from stalking John Grisham and bleeding him like a stuck
  • hound dog surrounded by ducks. I shot John Grisham, he turned out to be the sheriff, but not a deputy. I had a bounty as the "Vigilante missing his bearings," due to my mistake.
  • I had to become a hunting dog as quickly as possible. Thanks to this being a folding story, I was able to pull this off before the deputy could find out. My hunting dog pack was
  • Heel Team 6 and I was the lead operator. The backstory that folding story gave me was that I was a veteran of many black operations that it was best my people did not know about.
  • So I spent my last days as a junior manager of a McDonalds in Cleveland. I worked, I went home, I watched TV. I spoke to no-one. And I was happy for the first time in my life.


  1. SlimWhitman Mar 22 2017 @ 14:43

    The Woods Poet: http://foldingstory.com/qojg1/

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