I am horribly horribly lost. I know that

  • I am horribly horribly lost. I know that the lost city of paradise wasn’t going to be easy to find but this seems excessive
  • and I don't know the way back. The air smells like every imaginable disease. The buildings and people are scruffy. "Do you know where you are?" asked a man in a wheelchair with a
  • knife that was strapped to his arm, like a living bayonet. "You're in the jungle, baby, you're doing to die!" Maggie smiled nervously. "Sorry, you'll have to excuse Uncle!"
  • Maggie took the knife from him and began to settle him down into his seat, hoping this time the straps would hold him and everyone would be safe. This time.
  • They couldn't afford another cake-cutting emergency. What would their customers think if they came into the bakery and saw unevenly cut cakes? What horror!
  • The head engineer quickly set upon building a cake-cutting prototype with 100% accuracy. "And it can't fuck up the frosting, either." "Yes, I know. Pass me that umbrella? Thanks."
  • Izzy passed on the umbrella, instead deciding to eat the cake that had been so precisely cut into the shape of a pentagram. When he was finished, he realized his ultimate mistake:
  • There was no room left for pie. He wolfed down so much cake that somehow he got indigestion. He needed to find a bathroom immediately, but after running across the entire place, he
  • couldn't find a bathroom. At this point his indigestion was going to come out from both ends. He hopped into an empty cubicle and grabbed the waste basket, dropped his pants, and
  • had explosive diarrhea righ in front of the ring cam.


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