The language exposed his church-going nature

  • The language exposed his church-going nature and he finished and departed in record time. Not quite light out, but out of time for donuts, Mrs. O went back inside to collect
  • her winnings. They had placed bets on whether or not Frieda White's wig would stay on her head. But when Old Man Draper sneezed, her wig shot off her head like a flying squirrel
  • in heat and nothing is squirrelier than a flying squirrel in heat. I once saw a stiff wind blow a womans fur hat off and before it hit the ground it was triple humped soggy. Frieda
  • was tiny, even for a flying squirrel, but she was smart. And hot. For a squirrel named Frieda.
  • Not that Frieda wasn't a particularly hot name, it just didn't conjure up the quick witted sexiness that she exuded as she flew through the air. Frieda was an awesome rodent.
  • Not to mention she had a hot name that conjured up the quick-witted sexiness she exuded as she flew through the air. Frieda the flying squirrel kicked some criminals in the face
  • and for this heroine act was awarded the honorary Hero award 2084. Frieda was quickly 'guided' towards a manager paid by the North Korean government who took her on a world tour an
  • d showed her just the urban areas. Minders were to 'chaperone' Frieda for the whole trip, just so she didn't get 'lost.' Resourceful as she was, she slipped away silently one night
  • with Freddie, the boy she'd met on Craig's List only last week. Freddie and Frieda decided to start their lives completely over again, what with all the problems Frieda'd had. They
  • had Dr. Plastic Fantastic merge their bodies to truly become one. Friedadie was so satisfied s/he started counceling couples, reducing divorce rates &overpopulation in the process.


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