Looking out the window, Kitten thinks nothing

  • Looking out the window, Kitten thinks nothing but murder all day.
  • Murder of the livestock. Murder of her master. Murder of that cute little mouse that runs circles around the tree. Kitten's mind was consumed with these thoughts. She knew she
  • was mice obsessed, but the Kitten didn't care. She wanted to live hard and die young. Instead of just playing with string, she hitchhiked to a yearn factory in Benghal.
  • She initially had a ball playing among the masses of thread, but the kitten caused the machinary to tangle up time and again. The machinist Manmohan was called to investigate.
  • He had messaged ahead to have a preheated oven at hand. The Department Chair thought that odd but, nevertheless, complied. When Machinist Manhohan arrived he crawled into the oven.
  • Manhohan waved at me and closed the oven door. We all looked at each other stupidfied. Manhohan kicked the oven door open and raged out of the room, "It's on fucking warm!"
  • The oven switched itself off and then called Manhohan by name. "You want to burn the house down?" Manhohan was stunned the oven spoke English. It was midnight. The house was silent
  • For how many hours had it listened to them speaking at the dinner table, slowly learning their language, through arguments, consolations, breakfasts, and gatherings? Manhohan cried
  • over all that had been exposed, all the heartbreaks revealed. Manhohan's heart could scarcely bear the burden of it all. He dragged himself up to the highest mountain and asked
  • how long since the last climb. Mt. Rushmore turned all four heads toward Manhohan at once. Lincoln spoke, "Four score and seven years ago. Far too many take us for granite."


  1. SlimWhitman Oct 05 2017 @ 04:30

    LOLed at dreamer's finish.

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