I decided my credo was to "Always pay it

  • I decided my credo was to "Always pay it backwards." That means I steal the coffee from that guy behind me in line. And later, he will steal someone's happy meal, and so on...
  • In a reprisal of the principle of karmic comeuppance,the guy who's java I took,made off with his neighbor's happy meal,who in turn robbed a 711 store.The clerk in turn heisted a
  • car in the 7-11 parking lot whose owner went next door to Dennys and stiffed the waitress who decided not to visit her Grammy that night. This prompted Grammy to cheat at Bingo
  • and win. With her jackpot, she bought 85 $1 lotto tickets at the nearby gas station. One of them was a fortune-cookie lotto ticket. As her quarter rubbed the silvery scratch-off,
  • she got an incredible electric shock from the turn signal because the air was so dry. He finger smouldered but the lottery ticket said she'd just won 10,000,000
  • . The number 10,000,000. The London Mathematical Society had been selling numbers to pay off their debts to The Metrics. Their lack of faith in kilograms had cost the Society many
  • pounds, shillingsworth and (disturbingly) many a pretty pence, even though recent numerologists had explicated the value of Pi into a Babylonian dream. The London Maths Society h
  • ad its own problems trying to determine whether any given number was Numberwang. And then, mysteriously, one of pi's riddles would be answered by a pink pony named Pinkie. She
  • galloped across the Numberbluffs to the castle of King Fibbonacci, crying "Eureka! Eureka! I've solved the mystery of Pi!" The gates cranked open and the king rode out, but he was
  • covered in purple jellyfish. The King looked at himself in the mirror, and saw how horrible he looked. Then he threw himself off his octopus and into the ugly Sea of Pi.


  1. SlimWhitman Mar 21 2014 @ 14:44

    Acute Alice approves of this story.

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