Which seat can I take? It's Friday, Friday

  • Which seat can I take? It's Friday, Friday Gotta get down on Friday Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend! Tomorrow is Saturday And Sunday comes afterwards, I don't want this
  • song to end! Who doesnt love Rebecca Black songs over and over? My coworkers for one! Whenever I sing it, theyve started to throw things at me. 1st it was paperclips, then it was
  • HR Red flags which then got me thrown into the company solitary confinement ... the IT corner. OMG, it was absolute hell having to listen to the geek talk through the cubicle wall
  • Star Wars this and metal band this it was like they were speaking a foreign language. About the only thing I did understand was the 12 year old boy humor. I can not lie I
  • like big butts. I still like my toys too. Having a 12-year-old's mentality, I could relate to that pubescent tension of still wanting to play with my stuff & a fascination with gir
  • ders, I-beams & other construction materials. If I could I'd combine the two, playing with myself at various construction sites until I was chased off by the foremen. Why didn't
  • foremen have more of a sense of humor? I went to another construction site to play. The men had gone home after digging deep into the earth. At the bottom of the pit was a jade
  • and opal dagger next to a beryl and topaz heart. I pondered the meaning of these objects & concluded that they were grave goods belonging to King Canute. Perhaps I could stop waves
  • , but there was no delaying Death when it came for me. Old Grim grabbed me firmly by the flipper and led me to that great wildlife sanctuary in the sky. Seashells lined the archway
  • ; barnacles sang their tiny songs from husks at the threshold. I panicked. Would I remember? But I had to see. So I went into the ocean beyond the ocean, lit by the invisible sun.


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