You wanna know what happened that night?

  • You wanna know what happened that night? Really? Its silly, but i will tell you. I go as normally to the most near shop to buy tomato's, but it seems that no tomato's where here.
  • I instead decided that remedial English classes would be a better idea. Abandoning my quest for tomatoes, I went to the local elementary school, where I ran into
  • the Principal's Mercedes in the parking lot. He began screaming at me but I had no idea what he was saying since the only words I understood in English were
  • "hello," "pay," and "for sex." I let him continue to scream into my face, smiling and nodding, as I let his car roll slowly toward the street. He followed, pounding on the window
  • shopper and breaking her clavicle. He hated window shoppers. His mom was a window shopper. Staring like a comatose goon but NOT BUYING ANYTHING! He'd decided to fight
  • back. Someone had to. All that staring and no fucking buying sent him into a rage just thinking about it. He grabbed a meat cleaver from the rack and went to work on the closest
  • woman, causing a cacaphony of terrified screams to erupt around him. The police were called and people ran everywhere, but the butcher just kept hacking at her,
  • "The Butcher" was the start of a new slasher film franchise. The next films in the trilogy would be "The Baker" and "The Candlestick Maker." Nursery rhymes were perfect for horror.
  • Goodnight Moon was no exception. I fled the theatre when the murderous bunny said, "Goodnight cadaver, goodnight blood splatter." It was rated G for "Gang violence and Gangrenous
  • gargantuan galamutes galavanting gaily gathering goldenrod gastropods getting guitars grated in the German ghettos with confusing alliteration with narrative. Guten tag!


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