His vision rage red, Max Jones plowed through

  • His vision rage red, Max Jones plowed through the other shoppers in a berserk frenzy. "MINE!!!" The next moment, he awoke strapped to a table in a secret Army facility. "Congratula
  • tions, Mr. Jones," a throaty voice floated above him. "Now tell us what you did with Agent Barbie. And don't tell us you don't know what we're talking about!" I must have hesitated
  • because he slapped me in the face before I could answer. I felt hot tears run over my swollen face. I didn't know what had happened to Agent Barbie and being slapped didn't help
  • the Hamburger Helper Hand from forgetting how attracted he was to Agent Barbie. She'd dolled herself up pretty good. The Hand palmed the evidence. I gave them a hand for their
  • first encounter, demonstrating several techniques in the ways of origami. "It's just like love-making," I mused; by the confused looks on their faces, I realized that I had made
  • a terrible comparison. Origami and love-making? What relation do they both have? Be slow and careful so it comes out perfect, or quick even if it becomes messy? Confusion ensues!
  • Sexual confusion! I'm beginning to suspect that sex for me is a paper people chain in that I always have orgies with people exactly like me. Or is it a Möbius strip, infinite and
  • theoretically sound but fraught with controversy and perverted applications in real life. I squirmed in my seat, acutely aware that this might be my last chance to have intercourse
  • with the famed orator, so I finally spoke up and asked if I could meet privately later on. During and right after, I felt we made a strong connection, but now I'm not so sure.
  • I usually feel the goodness in people. But I sometimes confuse it's existence with the projections I make. People are good because I want to believe they are. And that's it.


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