I enough money in my bank to last me 100
- I enough money in my bank to last me 100 lifetimes. I can have anything that I can think of and make people do exactly as I wish. And stil I am not content, still I feel this empti
- ness that grows stronger with every breath I take. Mental illness has taken a hold of me ever since I installed lead
- crystal chandeliers in my frontal cortex in hopes of lighting the dark recesses of my mind. I also installed deep red plush carpeting, a kitchen, a chef and Lou, the maitre d.
- Brain Bistro was open for business. I sold idle thoughts, passing notions, and daydreams a la carte, though Brain Stew was the most popular item. The dress code weeded out the
- white matter from the grey, who were the preferred customers. My Brain Bistro was doing a booming business. I even had plans to open another location. Then the TV was turned on.
- Cortex Cafe was running commercials offering two hemisphere's for the price of one. Cephaloshack was offering Big Gulps with cerebrospinal fluid. My Brain Bistro was being outthunk
- so I decided to come up with an ice cranium sandwich. Take two fat chocolate coated cortex chunks and slap a huge dollop of creamed hippocampus jelly between 'em. My Brain Bistro
- was between Kidney Krib 'We'll kipper your kidneys!' and Offal U Like for more obscure cavity organs like curried spleen and lung truffle. I did a roaring trade in Brain Bistro and
- Testicle Tasting. Have you ever tried braising a breast? Dee--lightful! Of course, I could go on and on about food, but I won't. No...it's time to move on to more serious
- topics, like how to get into the Secret Disco Clown Society. I would have to plan this carefully. It would take a lot of work and a lot of time. See my next story for details.
- Started
- 2012-12-17 14:58:03
- Finished
- 2015-07-17 16:46:44
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