It made me feel like dancing. It made me

  • It made me feel like dancing. It made me feel like "dirty" dancing. So I
  • hiked up my extra-toughs and walked into the river, after all... net fishing is allowed under current management
  • . However, when I got my miniature Polaris with sonar guided torpedoes, my trout fishing was under the scrutiny of the Dept of Fish and Game. That is why I disguised it as a
  • Manatee. The streamlined shape cruising the murky waters spooked more than one fisherman sitting on the banks.My catch of fish was meager but when local fisherman thought a mermaid
  • and a Manatee had a child, he always brought it to me. Although I'm not sure why, since I was just a pharmacist. "Look at this," he would say, 'It looks like a mermaid and a
  • minataur. To manage this dual duality, it worked like one of those 3D cards that showed different things at different angles. Except this one was magic and showed all 4 things at
  • the same time. I couldn't stop myself from moving my head back and forth, back and forth. The power of the card treated me like clay and began to reshape my
  • thoughts.I didn't know what to do.Cause I wasn't the person I had been until a minute ago,and I wouldn't be the person I was now when another minute had passed...And another passed
  • & I realized this endless annihilation & "rebirth" of self meant that the future me could never be held accountable for actions made now. So I grabbed the gun, aiming it to
  • my head, and said, "C'est la vie, Buddha. Or Ganesha. Or whatever. Way to have a religion that's even more inconsequential than my own life." I expect a loud bang, right about...


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