La mansión se encontraba rodeada de altos

  • La mansión se encontraba rodeada de altos pinos. Al llegar el invierno, los habitantes de la mansión se trasladaban a la ciudad, y la mansión quedaba completamente sola.
  • She closed the misterious book feeling the soft brown leather cover in her hands and fearing the story about the hacienda empty during winter was no fiction.It seemed to be a diary
  • of a mad black woman. She read the entries. The fearful winters. The frustrations of being an older, African American woman in the 21st century. The irony of
  • entries and being older. In the 21st century, there's no time like the present for embracing fears of winter until they choke, exemplifying your madness with a primal scream to the
  • sodden heavens as they unleash hellish precipitation when once again, you left your umbrella at home. This leaves you with only one option, and you know what to do.
  • As the torrential downpour continues, you realize it's not about umbrellas. You go back to the warehouse for some wood and nails. Time to build the boat.
  • As you begin construction you realize that you need to build something a bit more sturdy than your average rowboat. And you'd better bring some animals along, cause it looks like
  • it's going to rain... hard... maybe even for 40 days and 40 nights. You decide to get the most useful animals first- cows, horses, chickens, and what have you. You finish the boat
  • with two of each of the really unpleasant animals, like mosquitoes and asps and Fox News political pundits. You scratch your patchy Noah-beard and smile knowingly, you didn't put
  • your In-laws, because they would just disrupt the journey. And they deserve to die anyway, along with the T-Rex. The Fox News political pundits didn't shut up for the whole trip.


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