"Last night the mandibles apologized, after

  • "Last night the mandibles apologized, after all these years." Her husband clenched the steering wheel of the rusted pickup truck. "And I forgave them ... " The desert highway
  • was overrun by the Mandibles ["mahn DEEB lace"], a Mexican drug syndicate. They stole his teddy bear years ago, using Mr. Snuggles to smuggle cocaine. The emotional trauma led to
  • a book deal and a talk show interview on Ellen. The irony was that backstage, Ellen was taking bumps of the cocaine produced by "the Mandibles" which had been smuggled inside a
  • maxilla, in an another ironic twist, which wasn't really ironic enough to fool the studio audience, which today was filled with DEA agents. They jacked the glassy-eyed Ellen and h
  • hosed her down as best they could. They tried to smuggle Ellen out of the stage door stuffed into a yellow crate, but her loud swearing was too much of a clue to what was happenin
  • g. They smacked Ellen upside the head. "Not another peep outta you!" they warned. "PEEP!" cried Ellen defiantly & wrestled her way out of their grasp & back to her dressing room.
  • There, Ellen kept peeping over and over, & if you walked by you could've heard her. Very strange. While she was grounded to her dressing room, she fantasized about being a chicken.
  • And a leprechaun. And a fire hydrant. Damned near everything conceivable -- but only within the Western post-industrial mindset. She crumpled her diploma and tossed it into the
  • fireplace, where it burst into sudden flame. Inside the flame she saw her destiny. It was bright white, beckoning, drawing her into the embers of the future. She followed. The next
  • thing she knew, she was laying on a flat surface with a massive headache. She opened her eyes, then immediately shut them tight. She had seen what no one was meant to see, and she


  1. BlastedHeath Nov 27 2013 @ 17:21

    Some nice Ellenisms and I really like the way this ends in a way that can't be written ...

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