Bored at a state banquet, George grabbed

  • Bored at a state banquet, George grabbed the rock lobster bedded in shrimp arranged to look like a hammer & sickle and yelled "Food Fight!" lobbing it at Hu. Jintao's bushwacking
  • had left her feeling irritated "down there" so she was in no mood for George's nonsense. "I'm in no mood for your nonsense!" she screamed, knocking George into 250 lbs of pasta sal
  • . Pasta Sal was pissed because George fell into Pasta Sal's "favorite" 250 lb's. From all the Rigatoni he ate, Pasta Sal was pushing 850, but his sweet "spot" was in the front, dow
  • n below the fire hydrant (shower) because at 850, everything had to be done outdoors. Pasta Sal gaped at the mess that George made. "Put that rigatoni back near my
  • cat, I want her stuffed and ready for the show tonight." George protested, "No mama! Not the cat! She is a little young for the adult arts is she not?" Pasta Sal folded her arms.
  • The taxidermist was called and rang back, saying he could be there the next day. He was finishing a moose head for the Adventurers Club, who paid him well. George felt better.
  • "It was almost over", thought George. "The taxidermist is coming to taxiderm me tomorrow", hoped George. George fell asleep and dreamed that he was a stuffed human in an alien zoo.
  • The next morning George woke up with a faint headache but no memory of his dream.
  • "Strange," George murmured to himself. "I could have sworn..." Rubbing his beard, George headed to the kitchen, took three steps...then tripped over the remnants of his dream.
  • George held his throbbing toe and swore loudly, and for real this time. His dream was over, his kitchen was a mess and no-one cared about his stubbed toe. What a baby. With a beard


  1. SlimWhitman Nov 13 2017 @ 15:43

    Wow, this is already so dated. I think my fold was intended to spoof G.W. having a state Dinner with Hu Jintao the former President of the PRC.

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