
  • Bit
  • Snippets of world news revealed it was not her imagination that those flashing lights were real.
  • They were the darn papparazzi. "Darn it!" she cried. "Why'd you have to stalk me you photographer-reporter-gossip-no-LIFES!"
  • "Omigod, we're so sorry," a darn paparazzo replied humbly, "We're just so into knitting we can't help but spin yarns about it..." and he crumpled into a heap at her feet. She took
  • a step back. "That's sweet. Why don't you come back alone later tonight? I may have something to show you." The paparazzo looked up and asked hopefully, "Knitting patterns?"
  • "Nope. It's your death." Suddenly the photographer was looking at images foreshadowing her own death: a train striking her. The image was gruesome; she saw
  • her head completely severed, her limbs strewn all over the train track. Normally a timid person, she knew she couldn't afford to be, not tonight. This photo of her foretold death
  • relieved her from fearing all other deaths. This allowed her to be carefree everywhere except around railroad tracks. Even there, the vision had shown her what it looked like. She
  • knew that when it happened, it would be night time, in the middle of a rainstorm. As long as she avoided the train tracks at night, she could even live forever! At least, it seemed
  • that simple. Not knowing to avoid model trains too, she was walking by a toyshop when a Lionel locomotive derailed, crashed through the window, and chased her until she fell dead.


  1. LunaSta May 02 2018 @ 02:09

    From the start, the fold seemed like a really bold chick lit story. Then it got really intense like woah.

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