As we walked into the room our senses were

  • As we walked into the room our senses were overwhelmed with moth balls and mold. It was just the four of us dwarves and the giant pink elephant. T'was almost time to uncover
  • the wagon, revealing the Dutch Oven within. The elephant didn't seem to notice the smell at all, but me and the other dwarves couldn't take much more. I grabbed my axe
  • and hacked a hole in the tarpulin to get some fresh air in their. Doppy got out an enormous spliff and lit it in the embers. Bombur opened his satchel and took out a limburger
  • hand. Bombur's uncle was a cheese sculptor. He'd made a Madonna out of Smoked Gouda. In fact this Limburger hand was made after the hand under Michael Jackson's White Glove
  • car wash. they do a really good job when it comes to cleaning vehicles. no one was interested in his uncles latest creation which had melted after being left on a radiator
  • , which was a shame, because he had created what we today refer to as a chocolate bar, and what a bar he had made. His prototype contained such mouth-watering goodness such as
  • -- suddenly Special Agent Michael Scarn bursts through the wall, MAC-10 and cattle prod in hand. Gadzooks!
  • "Agent Scarn?! I though I left you to die on my self-destructing moon base!" Yelled the mad scientist, who's occupation was now matching a second disposition. That's when the Agent
  • explained, "I hid inside a lead-lined fridge. Then, I used the force of the explosion to slingshot myself around the sun, causing me to travel back in time in order to stop you."
  • And that was how villain was stopped, Earth saved and physics killed. Sleep well, kids!


  1. Bad. Apr 21 2011 @ 19:21

    You just can't stop Special Agent Michael Scarn.

  2. DirkMcFrbrd Apr 21 2011 @ 19:22

    He's always be around when he's needed most.

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