Katy best friend Sarah and Her were superpose

  • Katy best friend Sarah and Her were superpose be going straight home from the 5sos concert. but Sarah talked Katy into going a party 5sos was throwing.
  • "It'll be super fun," Sarah told Katy. "OK, that'll be worth getting grounded forever." But only the guys from 5sos were at the party. "Where are all the other partygoers?" asked
  • the 5sos guys. "You mean it's just us...and the two of you?" "We're unpopular," Sarah explained. Katy added, "But if you just got to know us better, maybe..." "Let's get this party
  • into ambulance-calling overdrive!" said the 5 sos guys, placing the fired up gas grill on the coffeetable & the trampoline opposite the sofa.Sarah & Katy thought the 5sos guys were
  • smoking hot, but in need of a hearty meal. So Katy climbed aboard the trampoline and bounced while Sarah slipped some burgers onto the tabletop grill. The 5 SOS guys
  • joined Katy on the trampoline, but their combined weight had the effect of launching her so she levelled out right atop the grill. Sarah yelled and frantically rescued the burgers
  • and hotdog's, but it was too late.. they had all been crushed by her weight. "How could this happen?" Katy and Sarah glanced at eachother. "Well, we were on the trampoline, and"
  • A trilobyte flew overhead and dropped this flyer down for us to read", Sarah told their mum as she took the flyer to read for herself. The peregrine falcons nesting nearby could
  • be heard making their mid-evening reports back to headquarters. Well, not so much heard but as felt; that is a lot of data pressure for their size. I have been arguing with the Dir
  • -ndl skirt makers ever since. I too feel a lot of pressure for my size, but they refuse to add more elastic to the waistbands. "Tuck it in or name it," they tell me, cruel hags.


  1. LordVacuity Mar 22 2017 @ 23:21

    Square Pegs?

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