She wheeled around the corner of Fourth and

  • She wheeled around the corner of Fourth and onto Lenora. I checked out the marquis at the Cinerama in case I had some free time but it wasn’t anything I was interested in.
  • she slammed the brakes and shouted "isn't that the same guy that hugged you at Walgreens? Who was that asshole?" I got out of the car
  • battery section at the Walgreens and headed over to "Foot Care." I picked up Tinactin walked over the jerk and squirted anti-fungal cream all over his face.
  • He screamed as the cream covered his eyes for they were actually two small puffballs. As they shriveled and started to smoke he pointed his finger at me and
  • said "exterminate". The Daleks began moving towards me and firing lasers in my direction. Fortunately I was able to redirect the attack using the mirrorlike surface of the
  • of a shattered Cyberman. K-9 covered my retreat to the dimensional gateway that would take me out of this TV universe, back to my La-z-boy in Cleveland. Unfortunately,
  • Earth didn't exist anymore--at least, not the way it used to be. The gateway had let the TV universe invade Earth--Just getting the mail turned into a scene from
  • Green Acres. My family strangely morphed into the Addams, and the David Hasselhoff became my neighbor. The best part was the funky soundtrack that was heard coming from nowhere
  • but it did get grating after a while. Just then Raul Julia cocked a submachine gun. "Let's go roll on some busta Munsters, mofo," he told Uncle Fester and me. "Nah, th--" I started
  • but couldn't finish because my tongue was no longer connected to my head, accidentally shot off by RJ's temperamental assault rifle. The Munsters had the last laugh after all!


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