When townsfolk voiced their beef with how

  • When townsfolk voiced their beef with how aesthetically unappealing the giant dome would be, The Architect designed a thorny rainforest canopy to do the job. The lush prison craze
  • caught the attention of the Austerity Boys. As they sat around a simulated campfire, they seethed and sipped Laphroaig. "They cut us out of the action. We can't let this stand. Who
  • goes there?!" The Boys shouted at the bushes. There was no response so the eyed each other with seriously perplexed looks. No one wanted to be the first to shrug around the campfir
  • e, so they settled for an eyeball rolling. But everyone round the fire jumped when from the bushes a seductive voice purred: "Will one of you boys help with my zipper?" Who could
  • have known that it was Pooh bear. "O bother boys. I seem to have gotten honey stuck in my pants." Moaned Pooh. Chris Robin looked hungrily at Pooh's zipper. Chris gulped and
  • gobbled another sticky sweet piece of baklava. "I must get this recipe." Christopher Robin chased Pooh deeper into the woods. Tigger thought it was a game and hopped after them.
  • In the forest, there was a house made entirely of candy. Pooh said they should go inside.But when Pooh turned around, Tigger noticed something strange: "Pooh, what big teeth you ha
  • Ve now. Are you once again going through a metamorphasis?". Pooh said, "Not that I know of." He was, unknowingly, smelling the honey pot and could not locate it with his sense of
  • GPSness. He waved what had started off as his arm but was now several rows of chitin covered mandibles acting in unison at some purpose he hadn't yet identified. The wave turned in
  • -to flapping and he found himself leaving the ground and flying into the air. Below him, a farmer was shaking a fist at him, but he knew he'd never be caught. He was free at last.


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