OK, OK, OK....so there you were, just standin'

  • OK, OK, OK....so there you were, just standin' on your porch, right? About 8 or so? And then...Jeez, lady, calm DOWN and tell us... What happened after the stars fell on Alabama?
  • "Well, they threw jewel encrusted blackberries at their assistants. They slept with each other's spouses. They blacked out and slept in other people's beds." The cops scratched the
  • itch from the rash that developed on society after it took that walk through what it was sure wasn't poison oak. The bad behavior continued. Eventually the rash went away but
  • the poison remained in the system, for the most part contained but occasionally seeping out whenever they let their guard down. For instance, whenever the local hospital called for
  • more venom, I had to take my snakes down there and have them milked. For my snakes venom contained antibodies against the poison from the water pipes that had been made in
  • an Ikea factory. Man, I should have known better, everything produced there breaks. No one could have predicted they would also try their hands at construction. Anyways I have
  • occasional nightmares of being lost in the maze of an Ikea store. The exits move & the furniture I choose is never in stock. An even scarier thought is an Ikea construction company
  • Using furniture I cannot find anywhere else. They no longer have anything in the same place as before. Why must they confuse customers! What happened to customer service? It had
  • gotten to a point where you'd continually encounter exhausted,rotten looking customers, who'd been searching for weeks!"Please.Help!I'm looking for... ",they'd cry pitifully.Poor s
  • illy fools. Little did they know that it was all part of the plan to power the CONFUSION MACHINE. Not only could you fire a confusion ray from 400m, but also... *FLASH* ..erm..


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