It was a rainy day in LA which is rare. I

  • It was a rainy day in LA which is rare. I braked too late & my cab ran into the car in front of me. I went to exchange addresses & was surprised to see Danny DeVito sitting on two
  • hookers obviously high on blow. Well, OK, that part wasn't surprising. The odd thing was that Danny DeVito was driving from the back seat. He was actually about 6' 6" and when he
  • shey kisses had finally melted into a puddle from being wedged deep in the back seat, Danny Devito starting licking the seat belts. Of course, I was still wearing the seat belt so
  • I melted from the hot hot heat that Danny Devito personified. I joined the Hershey kisses in puddlehood and was swiftly licked up. "Does his shortness mean digestion will be quick?
  • Danny Devito had just thrown his mum under the bus, acting out a terrible joke. Audiences loved it, but they were in a trance state while in the theatre. The incense burned slowly.
  • Time seemed different here. It had a new substance, and it flowed and ebbed in strange new patterns.
  • Plaid and paisley ... together?? What was Father Time thinking?
  • He wasn't really. He was just waiting, with Tide, for no man. They had been waiting all day for no man, and their mis-matched suits were wrinkling in the seats. Finally, Time stood
  • and began pacing again. Sometimes slow. Sometimes fast. Sometimes you weren't sure if you were coming or going, but you were moving, maybe towards something else all together. Tide
  • rolling in and out...undertow dragging you miles from where you'd like to be...sharks swimming around the inside of your head...floating down stream...drifting into unconsciousness


  1. MadWorld Nov 24 2017 @ 14:40

    MoralEnd...on the United Artists Lot, I once ran into Danny and knocked him on his ass...but that could never top having him lick your seatbelt with you still in it...

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