I couldn't sleep at all last night. I was

  • I couldn't sleep at all last night. I was worried about the file. Finally, at 5:30 am, I jumped out of bed and took off in my car to do whatever I could to remedy the situation
  • but it was too late. The Superman Worm had already infested the financial banking system and now my bank account showed a balance in excess of $10 million. Time to get an offshore
  • drilling platform and declare diplomatic immunity. It was the only way to hide your money from the US government after they raiding the Cayman's and colluding with the Swiss.
  • You were rich, rich and stuck out in the middle of the ocean. You could fly in girls and the latest DVD's but somehow it still felt like prison. Soon you start to get the madness
  • of Guernsey. The original Mad Cow Disease.
  • However, unoriginal mad cow disease was spreading like wild fire. All cattle in the Channel islands were breaking out in little res spots and itching like crazy. Problematic when
  • the international community had just imposed sanctions on the export of soothing bovine emoollient creams. How would the cows find respite from their tedious scratching now?
  • Then, someone had the brilliant idea of importing those "cow scratching Tetse flies." Brilliant, as in dumb. Soon, the flies were
  • swarming Belinda Carlisle, attracted to her heady funk, and forcing the rest of the GoGos to shun her more than usual. This meant that
  • smelly, infested Belinda Carlisle (taking a page from Tiffany), thought she was alone now since the GoGos had gonegone.


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