The structure was lightyears long. At its

  • The structure was lightyears long. At its center was the homeworld, Earth. Nanobots endlessly built new expansions to the structure. Lonely WALL-DO was one of the nanobots.
  • who maintained & extended 'The Corridor' which was made of a massless energy field whose orbit synchronized with the earths orbit. Nanobot WALL-DO noticed a crack in the field
  • and mechanically, systematically began the process of fixing the energy field. WALL-DO in the middle of reprogramming code z6s8-E9, when the field suddenly pulsed, shattering
  • the containment chamber. "Uh oh" WALL-DO said to himself. "That's going to cause some issues. I guess I should sound the alarm so the meat-bags can get out and leave me to
  • contain the situation. With the alarm going. WALL-DO set about containment procedures; He didn't notice what stumbled out of the reactor on security recording
  • number 5.34445. It was Billy. He was drunk again. This would be a battle between WALL-DO the automated nuclear facility and a white trash meat head.
  • 'Advantage meat head' thought Billy as he filled a trash bag with gasoline and tied it onto the back of his Quad. WALL-DO the automated nuclear facility observed his approach.
  • So far the ploy was successful. Kim Dong-yim rubbed his gnarly hands together. WALL-DO had no idea that "Billy" was a holograph projected from above. WALL-DO was about to
  • shoot Billy with a dart gun when suddenly a shot rang out in the night! Kim Dong-yim ducked, WALL-DO escaped around the corner & a long shadow appeared on the horizon. The moon
  • on his chest revealed the figure's identity. It was Marc Spector aka Moon Knight to the rescue! He wrestled Kim Dong-yim to the ground. WALL-DO and Billy were saved.


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