Hatchling Services swooped in. "Ma'am, are

  • Hatchling Services swooped in. "Ma'am, are these baby birds yours?" "Yes." "Are you aware that your nest is in violation of many building codes?" "Um..." "Is it true that you puke
  • Sirens entered holding an extended broom prepared to destroy the nest in moments when down came flying the winged skyline penguin , restoring faith in nests all over the globe...
  • but then came the men with their rickety ladders to steal the nests and overcharge a food crazy public with bird's nest soup so they could
  • make money. Good thing I clarified the motive there, because you dipshits are too goddamn stupid to figure it out on your own. The bird's nest soup racket
  • is just that. I've you couldn't find any swallow's nests then get some twigs and bird crap and filll up this pot before Pengu Jui and his party arrive.
  • The bird crap and twig soup was ready when Pengu Jui & the others arrived.The cook had added a little extra sugar and spit in the soup to substitute for the missing swallow saliva
  • giving it a delicate thickness not characteristic of the authentic recipe. In the private room Pengu Jui's group were served steaming bowls which smelled like reheated dead things.
  • After that night, the food poisoning set in and the whole group were in A&E. Pengu Jui was mysteriously absent, having not caught anything off the barely cooked rats.
  • He couldn't face them with what he had done. His mysterious absency brought up questions.
  • questions i couldn't answer but all i could do know was look at the future. what would happen later, 2 kids and a husbands or more adventures? god only


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