Let me tell you a story about a man named

  • Let me tell you a story about a man named Jedi.
  • "I've heard that one before," said his grandson. Old Ben was trying to give him a history lesson, but the little tike just wouldn't be still. Finally Ben resorted to using his psy
  • trance moves. Old Ben's body squeaked and cracked despite his limbs moving elegantly to an imagined 142 bpm. His grandson was enchanted by the dance and finally able to
  • understand what Old Ben had been showing him. All of a sudden his body was moving in ways he had never imagined. He was jumping up and down while simultaneously shaking everything
  • in creation but he was the only one that noticed but that was when he was off his rocker and pumped up on pills so i guess I'm lucky that he did. Because he got me here, to the sho
  • wer, and just in the nick of time, too, if you ask anyone downwind of me. Yeah, it's amazing what a good scrub once a fortnight will do for you. Less people running away, too.
  • Alas, we all stink walking the Appalachian Trail. Our sweat odors mix and merge as we walk in the mountainous ranges, and some even say the smell is part of the collective journey
  • but it is actually just to alert the local bears and cougars to our whereabouts. These denizens of the Appalachians get hungry too, and we must all do our part to contribute to
  • the circle of life. Even if it does mean that a few people meet a grisly end at the monstrous paws of a mountain predator. Well, what goes around comes around, I suppose.
  • And even if I'm wrong, what difference doesn't any of it make? In 100 years, the majority of us will have disappeared completely, and those who hang around longer--they go, too.


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