The screams woke me up.I heard when my mother

  • The screams woke me up.I heard when my mother brought DeeDee back from her dream wich,based on the sounds she was making,could be anything from erotic to a nightmare.It was such
  • a cacophony of moans and wails that I wasn't sure to fear for her life or order what she was having. Turns out, DeeDee didn't survive the night. The autopsy revealed
  • that her name DeeDee had killed her by a lethal
  • and tragic combination of mistaken identity and unmitigated ennui. It was the sort of thing that happens once in a lifetime; nevertheless, the authorities swore
  • such curses as "crimminy" and "cheese and crackers." The guy in charge was a stickler for family values. They hoped no one would notice they had the wrong man. "Maybe if we
  • skim some money from the fundraiser, we could affird some more investigators, or maybe a clone or two. Then I'd be off for South Beach" That was the last time I'll ever wear lamé
  • since I was an udder embarrassment at the minotaur's ball. I had no clue what it was, so I undoubtedly put it on wrong. The prophet Mohammed had to show off of course, wearing a
  • Lovely coat. The Minotaur did his best to mingle with his guests, but his terrifying bellowing just led to confusion and panic amongst the assembled Cretans.
  • Thinking he'd better remove himself from the increasing Cretan angst as quickly as possible, the Minotaur called his mom on his cell phone."Mom? Come get me. I'm in trouble again."
  • "Where are you?" she replied?" If you are in that silly labyrinth again, you can find your own way out! this time. I'm tired of you and your shenanigans. Get a job and blah blah"


  1. 49erFaithful Feb 26 2013 @ 11:37

    Ah! Shenanigans! Watch out mangodurian ... http://foldingstory.com/48a4t/58902o/

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