The terrorists who kidnapped Mayor McCheese

  • The terrorists who kidnapped Mayor McCheese say they'll release his nuclear launch codes if we do not release all political prisoners, including the Hamburglar, by a deadline of
  • when the next McRib will be back on the menu. Ronald stroked his greasepainted chin. Deperate times indeed. The fry guys but they were on leave. Mayor McCheese rescue mission neede
  • d a new money laundering facility for it's clandestine H business since HSBC shut down that division. The situation was dire. Ronald needed his fixer. His agents located Grimace
  • At the centre of the Vulcan universe, speaking Klingon. Ronald had no transportation outside of Earth, so he was out of luck. Ronald war axed by his creditors and jailed until
  • a young Vulcan councilor took up the case of a crazy offworlder and dismissed the charges with the same cool logic that had estranged him from his own clan. Sakak and Ronald parted
  • , but both knew that the memories of their two glorious weeks on Starbase E:64 would draw them back together eventually. Sakak's copper-based blood burned with the desire to
  • repeat their cometary streak through the bars of Starbase E:64, but they'd been banned. Sakak & Cron paid a fortune to have full skinlayer transplants no genetic scan would detect
  • . Since the transplant, their skins now took on vibrant colours of red, blue, purple and gold. Cron's even took the liberty at changing due to the temperature at Starbase E:64.
  • The food at Starbase E:64 was terrible though, and made his blue skin go all chartreuse, a color that made Cron all the more queazy. Tribble burgers! Ugh. He asked for a transfer
  • to Deep Space 11 because they had a 5 Wargs Burgers there. His transfer was denied on the grounds that his environmental requirements were not compatible with that station.


  1. SlimWhitman Jul 26 2016 @ 16:50

    I guess "Cron" is how vulcans pronounce Ron.

  2. Woab Jul 27 2016 @ 13:22

    I am amazed at how this story started with a burger chain's characters (in 2013), then went to space, then returned to a burger theme at the end. Were we all hungry, or what?

  3. SlimWhitman Jul 27 2016 @ 15:44

    Could be. Stories often veer off only to come back to an idea from the start. At foldingstory some of us used to call this the circle of life. There are various theories about why it happens. See this discussion for example: http://foldingstory.com/neltq/ and http://foldingstory.com/mst2s/ ... or just relax and enjoy the fun when it happens without analysing it to death :-)

  4. BlastedHeath Jul 27 2016 @ 21:15

    "The world is a circle without a beginning ... "

  5. BlastedHeath Jul 27 2016 @ 21:17

    "Cron" is probably a regional pronunciation from an area of traditionalists far from the starports.

  6. Woab Jul 28 2016 @ 15:48

    Precisely what I had assumed.

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