No one notices your tears, no one notices

  • No one notices your tears, no one notices your sadness. No one notices your pain but, notices your mistakes and...
  • no one notices me! I could care about your crisis if you just took a moment and thought how important I am. I have selfies and everything!
  • What?! You look like you don't believe me. Go ahead, feel the walls. Feel how they are revolving around me...not you...ME! If you'd get your head out of your rear end for 5 minutes
  • you'd be able to see the way things are, not the way you want them to be. It's almost like you're always just seeing things from your own perspective and not the obviously correct
  • point of view. You should just shut up & listen to me. You never do, though. You're delusional. You're stupid. I hate you. Go away. Now.....I said NOW! My GAWD, why can't you see
  • you're a repulsive worthless asinine… GAH!" "So you don't like the flowers?" I held them out to her. She slammed the door in my face. Then she came out and sprayed me with a hose.
  • As first dates go, I'd rate it as fair to middling. She didn't cause me actual bodily harm. She didn't set me on fire. She didn't call my boss to say I'm a pedophile. I called next
  • my best friend, Guy, to tell him about the lackluster but safe, romantic rendezvous. "Keep her!" He urged. I just found her so... boring compared to my past conquests: a reincarnat
  • ion bootaneer was fashioned from a sluffed off dead skin. I pinned this on my jacket. It was my turn for a boring date and I was going to spice it up with sick death stuff.
  • So I got a nose piercing, got a gothic style shirt, and plugged in earphones, which began to play death metal. This was going to be the best date ever.


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