I was going to the bar to meet my friend

  • I was going to the bar to meet my friend tom when, i got there i saw a group of alive skeleton playing the drum and playing guitar, the tune was so ghostly that the peoples turn..
  • into skeletons as well. I believe this was what people in the music industry call "hella metal." The band accepted their payment of Popov vodka. Tom and I, now skeletons, scared
  • by the band members' behavior - wanted to leave. But the leader put a bottle of vodka in my hands - suggesting that I can only leave when I finish it. Well, damn ! I wasn't used to
  • chugging cheap vodka. "Could I please have a chaser at least?" The band leader handed me a bottle filled with some kind of murky, orange liquid. I hoped it was OJ and took a swig.
  • Say what you will, OJ's oral hygiene is impeccable. The cheap vodka hit me like a sledge hammer. I It was me, two blurry bandleaders and two blurry OJ Simpsons. Epic was the only w
  • Hoopie pie left to eat. All whoopie pies were gone. What to eat next, we were hungry! Ah, there was a symphony orchestra to ask if we could eat their leftovers. They said at night.
  • "Yes. Have some." Those in the orchestra, especially the trombone section, always spoke in very short sentences. " We have to save our breath you know. "
  • The pianist would have given them the finger, but he had to save his fingers for the concert. The orchestra could hear the crowd gathering on the other side of the curtain as they
  • exchanged glances of mirth and despite and tuned their instruments to produce the timewise musical emanation that the expectant crowd had paid for. The curtain parted, the murmur
  • subsided, and the first note was played. A bow gently dragged along the cello led to the final ringing or the cymbals. The audience leapt to their feet and cheered.


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