He'd wiped his hands on the dish towel after

  • He'd wiped his hands on the dish towel after he'd put spice rub on the raw chicken. A little chicken skin stayed on the towel. She washed her hands, dried them on the same towel
  • , then run her fingers through her hair before nipping off to the salon before lunch. The hairdresser saw flesh coming off her scalp, and thought she had some terrible dandruff
  • Unfortunetly, it was not so. She had a bad case of Margret Thatcher Flesh Creep Disease. A rare and digusting problem that infects then brain, and then the flesh when
  • the brain has been utterly turned. Maggie T's disease they'd gotten to call it in South London. It usually started with some conservative douching up things, but not in a good way
  • Old Maggie had been making the rounds lately, showing up everywhere. Bars, truck stops, shopping markets. Nothing was the same anymore. You couldn't trust your neighbors.
  • Especially not that Mr. Rogers. Rumor had it he was a gay ex-Marine sniper in the war with ties to the Nazi party. One time he went on TV complaining about a traffic ticket. You
  • remember the episode? What you didn't see was the outtakes where Mr. Rogers yelled "You can't handle the truth!" and punched the Judge. Mister McFeely had to hold him back.
  • The Judge cited Mr. Rogers for contempt. He got mad and did his next show about the shortcomings of the US justice system. A youngster named Elena Kagan happened to be watching
  • & was inspired,writing briefs on King Friday vs. Land of Make Believe or X the Owl vs. Cornflake S. Pecially. When Kagan joined the Supreme Court, she applied the lessons learned
  • in all these discrimination cases and held in the landmark case of Foldings v. Storee that no one may be denied a job because of their Facebook profile pictures. Justice served!


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