Kasey had this great idea for a restaurant

  • Kasey had this great idea for a restaurant - the International Space Station would release cows into the atmosphere and the heat of reentry would cook them to tender perfection.
  • Kasey needed his Beef Restaurant to take off because he wanted, no he needed to have sex with the Mattress Queen. The only thing that impressed her was
  • a big juicy T-bone. Rare. He fantasized about her eating his T-bone, watching the juice run down... He shook his head for clarity. Kasey called his new restaurant
  • "101 ways to Wok Your Kitten" Kasey thought it was clever. Opening a new restaurant was much more difficult than he had planned. First of all, he had no idea where to purchase chop
  • ped baby seal flippers. Oh, not even Viagra could create the sort of excitement that baby seal flippers could. He has to find some though, so he started randomly calling to find
  • out where Bob Dole was because in his tiny little mind he was the only man in the world who would know exactly where to get Viagra. Wait...was it Bill Clinton in that commercial
  • It was my lucky day Bob Dole had a suspiciously large amount Viagra on him. He said that Phyllis may of not left him if his blue friend that Elizabeth now enjoys existed back then.
  • Bob and Elizabeth Dole were certainly happy but Phyllis still wrote to her ex-husband Bob asking for plant raising tips. Phyllis was a keen gardener and Elizabeth as a sex crazed
  • contortionist. Bob didn't actually have a problem with E.D., he just needed an extra boost now & then to keep up with Elizabeth. Especially since Phyllis needed servicing every
  • 28 days for her period blood fetish. Bob's botched facelift made him a nightmare to cheat with, & Elizabeth & Phyllis found out they slept with the E.D. spokesman from each other's


  1. Zetawilk Nov 20 2012 @ 02:59

    Whoops, ran out of room for the period again.

  2. BlastedHeath Nov 22 2012 @ 00:40

    Well, at least it didn't end with premature punctuation. ;-)

  3. 49erFaithful Nov 22 2012 @ 22:41

    Oh man I'm gonna fold you so good it's gonna be,

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