"Eli, take cover!",as soon as Jun warned

  • "Eli, take cover!",as soon as Jun warned him Eli ducked from the water bomb which was thrown by Lode. "You could have hurt me with that!"shouted Eli.
  • Lode laughed at Eli, while loading another water bomb into his launch tube. "What's the matter, you allergic to water?" In fact Eli was allergic to water, his mother was a witch so
  • that meant he was suspect already in some eyes. Eyes that were looking. Lots of eyes and not always in pairs. Eli wanted to reveal himself to Lose but a whole life of hiding hung
  • in the balance so he showed her his foot. It was finely shaped with a smattering of hairiness on the toes. Lose examined it carefully and of course fell in love with Eli abjectly
  • like an adopted kitten who still wants to nurse. "Eli, I love you abjectly. Do you love me at least a little?" asked Lose. Eli considered this. "No… No, I don't - wait maybe… no."
  • "Why are you doing this to me?" Lose started freaking out, "I've spent half of my life loving you, but you..." "I just CAN'T, okay?" Eli shouts back, " I have a family. My wife is
  • waiting for me to return home. I'm sorry, I just can't do it." Hence, Eli left Lose alone in the pouring rain. Lose, however, was not someone who would give up so easily.
  • Lose had a GPS and typed in the words "Golden Tiger". Immediately he had directions to the pub where his Uncle Lurch worked. Lurch knew where Lose could stay upstairs until
  • he was safe to wander the streets once more. He needed a rest anyhow. He pressed the gas, and zoomed to the pub to find his uncle Lurch. Lose was not about to waste time right now.
  • He quickly quaffed a litre of beer and told the bartender to put it on his uncle's tab. By that time, Lurch had passed out, but Lose held him upright as he drank the night away.


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