The sky was blue, or the child thought it

  • The sky was blue, or the child thought it was. There wasn't really anything going on in his mind. the sky was blue, the lake's water was blue, his fingers were
  • green. where did he stick them?
  • Alzheimer's is one of the downsides to having the Benjamin Button disease. On the other hand, you never really formed the stuff you forget so I guess it isn't that bad. And growing
  • younger as you age has it's benefits because you're older and wiser yet in a sexy, young body... you can do things you've never done like sky diving and
  • scrapbooking. The worst part of reverse aging like Benjamin Button is your spouse will eventually be accused of being a child molestor unless you divorce before you become a tween
  • and then you're an enemy of the church. As if that's not enough, dying with dignity is hard to do when you can't remember not to soil yourself. It's a great cure for alcoholism.
  • Anyways, that's what the Pastor tried to get him to believe. But he knew all along, that this holy man was just as bored out of his skull as he was. What he needed was a pint
  • of Guiness to get him through those dull episodes of morning mass. He'd tried to smuggle in a flask of whiskey once, hiding it between the pages of his Bible. But lifting it proved
  • awkward with the golden liquid pouring all over the church floor and the clanking glass. Father Flanagan would surely be upset by the mess. No, this time he would take his lumps.
  • He would stand before the entire parish next Candlemas and produce the item that had caused the whole debacle: the lost Wisdom Tooth of St. Cookachoo the Outlandish.


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