Just a castaway, an island lost a see. Another

  • Just a castaway, an island lost a see. Another lonely day with no one here but me. More loneliness than a man could bear. Rescue me before I fall into despair. I'll send an S.O.S.
  • to the girls, I'll send an S.O.Ssskkkzzztttttttt "Hey, why'd you do that?" Walt removed his wireless headphones, glaring at Elaine who held the phonograph needle. "It's WORLD," she
  • belched. Walt hated Elaine's penchant to ignore polite formalities. Walt put his headphones back on, at least he knew cool music. Elain was a brainless crab of a music person.
  • Walt listened to groovy beats through his highly tuned cans. Elaine went out and had a second dinner round her lover's flat. Walter never guessed why she'd got so fat. He blamed
  • the car's bucket seats and gravity, but those weren't the main culprits. Walt didn't have the heart to tell Elaine that her fat was what made her look big. That was lucky for him,
  • because Elaine had arm and back fat bigger than the 350 inch engine under the hood, and if he had made a comment about how fat she looked sitting on the Mustang's bucket seat, she
  • would pound his face until he was sitting in the trunk. Elaine was large, yes, but her extra padding made her ideal for working on the Mustang's engine. Plus, she didn't even need
  • a coat. The extra inches kept her super warm. "Elaine," he crooned. "I love large women." She smiled, "I know but you gotta prove your love." "How?" "Through
  • public display of your affection of course!" He would go through hell for her voluptuous form. "There's an interactive art exhibition downtown next weekend, join me"
  • When she got there she was aghast to find out the "art" being exhibited was blown up pictures of Fururderp's tweets called Orwell's Double Speak is Trump's Alernative Fact.


  1. LordVacuity Feb 13 2017 @ 20:22

    doh! alternative fact.

  2. Woab Feb 14 2017 @ 10:59

    That was an alternative spelling, is all.

  3. SlimWhitman Feb 15 2017 @ 12:46

    I think you invented a new word. Alernative. Definitions please: Alernative. adj. [awl-lur-nuh-tiv]

  4. Woab Feb 15 2017 @ 14:17

    Alernative: another possible option arising from having had too much ale.

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