Who were the first Folders? Where did they

  • Who were the first Folders? Where did they come from and how were they created? According to evolution,
  • they were all old men with white beards who are pepperoni pizza for every meal.
  • They are known in this land as ZZ Top.
  • A new wax producer contacted the band for their marketing campaign aimed at hipsters and young artistic types. They refused, ofcourse, but not before
  • stuffing their pockets full of complimentary mints. The producer's assistant shot them dirty looks, but didn't reprimand the band. They hi-fived as they strutted from the office.
  • leaving behind a note. "the mints conceal the truth- covered in sheet of spearmint. the taste of rejection, accomplishment, and tomorrow fade with the melting tab on my palette"
  • I thought, as I discarded the note into the canal. What a shame. What a deep, unsettling shame. After looking around to ensure no-one had seen me I jumped back onto
  • the boat and started rowing down the canal,all those horrifying thoughts after reading the note was going on in my head and then suddenly I realized that it was all
  • -egory. The canal represented my life, the boat was my trajectory, and the note referred to my inner doubts. So I threw away the paddles and floated for a while, contemplating my
  • reason to live. And I found one. I lived for amazing adventures like this.


  1. SlimWhitman May 06 2018 @ 16:42

    Throw away your paddle, and let the stream carry you where it may. The paddle is just your illusion of control. Fate will be your guide. Trust it , and your adventure will be satisfying.

  2. Woab May 07 2018 @ 10:47

    Agreed. Nice ending too, MarbleMint.

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