With a thunderous echo, the lock fell into

  • With a thunderous echo, the lock fell into place. He was confident the treasure room would never be breached. Readjusting his multi-hued robe, the old wizard shambled away.
  • Watching from a shadowy tunnel nearby, hamsters, a gang of them, waited in their pedal car. As soon as the old wizard was out of site they pedaled for the treasure room
  • They knew exactly what they were searching for but they had no idea where it would be. They searched the whole house, not even the room, they knew it had to be somewhere.
  • But I t was not in the room. I t was not in the house. I t was not in the yard. I t was not on the street. I t was nowhere in the neighborhood. So they went to the bad part of tow
  • n and they looked all around. They looked in the dumpster, but I t was not there. They looked in the sewer, I t was not there. I t was not in the jail, and I t was not in the bank.
  • I t was not in the pool, I t was not in the tree, I t was not is the school, so where can I t be. They looked all around, in the shed and the bed, but could not find I t, so they
  • fled and were wed by Brother Fred of the Jade Green Shed. It still could not be found on their honeymoon where the volcano's fumes made them swoon and check out time was noon. It
  • Mean Mr. Mustard and his sister Pam bought two cans of Spam. They made their way to the table, where they were met by Mabel. Plasticene horses watched the action without reactions.
  • Obviously Lucy in the Sky is in a 'poorly manufactured' mood again today. Everyone frowns as she drifts past the flowers that grow so incredibly low. Then catharsis set in.
  • And I answer quite drolly: "A girl with one isotope eye. Sell cocaine showers of jello hand cream. Souring odor warhead. Shook floors a-whirl busy bun inner spine, and Szechuan."


  1. pinky Mar 15 2018 @ 04:35

    It's the Magical Mystery Tour! I have no idea what it all means, but it *sounds* brilliant...

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