Great ideas are often hidden behind a dark

  • Great ideas are often hidden behind a dark shadow of conspiracy theories. I saw a tear roll down his cheek. My father had kept a fragment of a manuscript in his library under
  • a loose floorboard in his home office. Of course, none of us knew our father had been a KGB spy until after he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's & told us about the secret manuscript.
  • I was going to make money off that damn secret manuscript, one way or another, I was going to cash in, big time. I took that stupid thing down to Barnes and Noble a went right up
  • to the extra-clean bathroom that the B&N tourists don't know about. "It's okay, said a voice from a stall. Scan it and put it on YouTube if you like. The Cosmos can handle a few mo
  • re of you types, peering behind the scenes and posting your spoilers all over the internet - most folks would rather not know the truth, even if you jam it under their noses". More
  • mystery and nuance would be preferable, thought the fan. It would be better to wait and see for herself what was going to happen next in her favorite TV serial. Thanks to spoilers,
  • she knew that The Doctor was going to land near Sam and Dean Winchester during their talk with Castiel. She settled in with popcorn and Sprite and was sucked in. Literally, sucked.
  • It had enveloped her whole. The Sprite can twisted and turned as she began banging on the metal walls, before splashing on to the person next to her. The lady got up, and screamed.
  • "Security! Please! Somebody stop...!" But it was too late...the sprite had eaten through her navel and exposed her
  • To all of the past ancestors who had ever quested for the meaning of life. She gazed at these spirits, and she realized... The meaning she was looking for was within herself.


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