Si tu vas à Annecy, n'oublies pas ton stylo

  • Si tu vas à Annecy, n'oublies pas ton stylo FriXion,
  • vou
  • cheap, lying, no good, rotten, low life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, over-stuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless,
  • he continued to splutter adjectives and then caught his breath to look some more up in his pocket thesaurus. I decided to save his breath and Indiana Jones-like shot him.
  • Indiana would have been proud of his slow death fall. It was as if time had slowed down. He staggered fore and aft then left and right. Finally Indy shot him in the kneecap enough
  • for the lower half of his leg to separate from the upper half. The monkey brain cocktail he ingested earlier numbed the pain (but had upset his stomach). Still, a little amputation
  • couldn't keep him from the brunch buffet. He craved some bacon with the monkey brain. Hey! Could cured monkey approximate bacon? Only one way to find out.
  • And it was a difficult way. For one, monkeys are one of the more violent species of mammal. They are sort of evolutionary cousins to humans after all. But Brian wanted monkey bacon
  • so monkey bacon is what he would have. So I went with Brian into a nearby jungle with a much more powerful gun than we needed. The monkeys were out in force that day, frolicking
  • with their granades, they threw them at us. Most of us didn't survive, but we won the war with the monkeys. We had loads of monkey bacon and we lived happily ever after.


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