His mind fevered but ready, Rodion knocked

  • His mind fevered but ready, Rodion knocked politely on the pawnbroker's door. But when bloody Lizzie Borden opened the door instead of Alyona Ivanova, he staggered back, his mind
  • reeling with recognizing Lizzie Borden. Here, in Moscow. Not in Ohio and not 73 years in the future! For her part, she also seemed to be reeling at being in Moscow, bloody & naked.
  • Then she seemed to see him for the 1st time. "You, you're the man from the train in my dream. You needed someone killed. We traded kills." Lizzie Borden pointed behind her. "Done."
  • she stood there staring at him until..
  • he ran up to her with a knife, ready to mug her. As she came to her senses, she bolted towards her car, sprinting with all of her might, but as she got in her car, she realized...
  • that it wasn't her car and to make it worse the high is wearing off and the person wasn't really a person just a plastic bag floating on the wind, there was never a knife, but why
  • oh why wasn't there a way to get back to that dream where I was naked and running towards a gingerbread house that looked so delicious. The bag had cocaine, she took a noseful and
  • decided that even though it was 4:23 a.m., she was going to try to make her own gingerbread house, right there in her apartment. She began by baking gingerbread bricks and stacking
  • them on top of her sleeping hubby. He began convulsing in his sleep, muttering: "Not my wife's cooking!!" She bristled with indignation; hadn't he always COMPLIMENTED her culinary
  • “treats?” Ralph’s ipecac syrup complemented her putrid pancakes perfectly. She would win no prize, but Sally knew Ralph would survive.


  1. IceSquad Jan 22 2020 @ 01:16

    She clearly has an attitude about wearing any clothes.

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