Limo Jousting was "in". Wealthy knights opened

  • Limo Jousting was "in". Wealthy knights opened the sunroofs and ordered their chauffeurs to charge. "Eat my lance," said 5-time champion Guinevere du Lac. She was hypercompetitive
  • to the point where even hearing the name "Guinevere" would strike terror into the heart of any would-be contender. "Chaaaaarge!" The bloodthirsty scream echoed throughout the
  • mall. Black Friday brought the worst out in people, even Guinevere. But she was bound & determined to nab that Cuisinart juicer Arthur had wanted, to soothe her guilty conscience
  • about stealing Arthur's idea for a novel and pitching it to Warner Brothers. Guinevere had just been told the picture was greenlit. The Cuisinart juicer might smooth over the
  • eccentricity of the murder of bugs bunny, but the fact that Daffy Duck was the one who had killed him was simply inexcusable. "Quickly!" the producer said. "Add more juicers!"
  • The Juice Ladies were not available, so they looked for Juice Men. They were also unavailable. The producer was having a panic attack. What to do except stop shooting?
  • So the producer said, "Take five. " The Orange Juluis Man strolled by while they worked on a musical number that was worked into the script.
  • I'll take an orange julius," Dave Brubeck said, "I'm parched and it's too early for drinkin' liqiour." The orange liquid foamed into Dave's cup and he stared at it, hoping it would
  • wake him from a nightmare, but instead he saw an orange face in the cup. It pursed its lips at him, squinting and said "Dave, I want you to take some time out & write me a jingle
  • about drinking." Dave was tired of working for the old plastic cup. He wanted a new life. Dave wrote the worst song he could about his terrible boss cup "orange solo cup."


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