Jonh Garlin sat in the chair with his wife,

  • Jonh Garlin sat in the chair with his wife, we were at the commen room reunion. it was amazing. everyone was here, Niki and Dolten, my wife and me. i had put on a skirt for this to
  • I sat there, awkwardly, I don't really have that many friends, and I hadn't seen any of these people in ages. My wife sat there silently fumbling with her purse when disaster struk
  • a large piece of apple pie smacked her in the face and high pitched girly laughter followed it. I was furious and my wife was about to snap.
  • But then I realised that my wife wasn't my wife. She was actually
  • a notorious world leader wearing a face mask of my wife's face. I confessed I had seen through his disguise and he removed the mask revealing a familiar face. He reached into his p
  • ocket and took out a granola bar. "What I'm hungry?" he said. "Why are you wearing a mask of my wife's face?" I questioned. "She's beautiful." he simply said. I got beyond angry.
  • I went from annoyed to vengeful in five seconds flat. Then it hit me: I didn't have to do this. I lowered my mitts & helped the sculptor to his feet. He said, "That's just how your
  • million year old grandfather would have done it." He pulled his chisel out of the pile of banana peels on the floor, and offered me a
  • bite of his Slim Jim. "No thanks," I declined, noticing the fuzz sticking to it, probably from being unwrapped in his pocket. "Gonna chisel something?" He laughed, then abruptly
  • bit off the fuzzy end of his jerky. "Just tryin' to chisel a piece a your stone cold heart darlin''" he drawled chewing. I watched the fuzz dangle from his stubble & laughed too.


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