Human Flesh.

  • Human Flesh.
  • It's what Princess Bubblegum craved- But she must keep it secret, lest the Candy Kingdom stage a coup. Finn ran in the room screaming of adventures and math. Her stomach growled.
  • She ordered Finn to get his apprentice Sawyer, and hunt for the legendary marshmellow: The Delicate Bog. Princess Bubblegum hoped it would save the Candy Kingdom. Huck and Sawyer
  • were what we call poor white trash. They lived by the river on fish and stolen tobacco. When Princess Bubblegum tried to order them around they fired up their
  • crowbows and remembered better times. Princess Bubblegum was not a snob, she just didn't like riff raff and thought she mixed with a better sought of person. Those river dwellers
  • all warts and no pop. Except for the fellow Frog. He had some pizazz. When Princess Bubblegum blew a big pink bubble, Frog expanded his considerable pouch
  • out toward her. Princess Bubblegum was so flustered her lips slipped. The bubble popped, splattering poor Mr Frog's sac in sticky pink goo. "Gum again," she said, as he hopped off.
  • The sidewalk police arrested Mr. Frog but had to let him free. Princess Bubblegum was charged with spitting on the sidewalk. The gum police were consulted with the added evidence.
  • Princess Bubblegum laid her hand on the Holy Bubble. "Bla bla bla..., so help me Gum." She was found guilty and sentenced to forty flavors of hard rubber. Mr. Frog excorted
  • her to the gates of the Harbwire Prison Facilty. "No sympathy and no regrets.", she thought. And her fate was sealed.


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