Denis the Dung Beetle rolled his ball of

  • Denis the Dung Beetle rolled his ball of muck away from the dung heap before the other dung beetles could snatch his prized lump. It was a wonderful life
  • he led, pondered he as he hummed sweet soca songs. "Dung-ba-dung-ba-dung". Denis switched tunes as he switched paths to gather more dung, "go dung, go dung, go dung".
  • Then, in a burst of energy, Denis broke into Oppan Dungham Style and everybody joined in! Dung was flying everywhere! "Ji dung bu to gal de ka ji ga bol ka..."
  • Denis's sister rolled her eyes as she watched the revelry. Dung was perfectly all right--it was the family profession, after all--but Korean dancing on Youtube? Unacceptable.
  • Denis's sister was such wet blanket. I wanted to tell Denis, let's ditch this lame tart, but Denis has this thing. He adores his sister. So like we had to take her to the diner wit
  • h us.But when I then glanced at Denis' sister across the table, I couldn't for all the world imagine a more honest soul, her gleaming tears and radiant smiles graved into my heart.
  • But Dennis was on the rebound, and in mean mood. He eyed my lovestruck moonfaced admiration of his sweet sister and was having none of it. "I'm organizing a tournament in Pyongyang
  • For basketball, NBA-Style, and Kim Jong Un will be there. Can I get you a ticket?" I accepted, knowing I may never return. It was better than living in Chicago, given the murders.
  • The cops were hot on my tail by now,and North Korea would be the last place they'd look for me.I took the ticket and headed off.Kim J-to-the-U welcomed me at the airport,alone."Hey
  • , LeBron, we expected someone tall & maybe black. You ARE LeBron James, yes? We DID get the right address?" I nodded vehemently. Can any of you dudes please send me a ticket back?


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