As I looked over the unruly mob in front

  • As I looked over the unruly mob in front of me calling for my decapitation, I reflected on the last hour that had brought me here. I would have never thought that Clarence had it
  • in him to grass, but I was wrong. The mob surged forward, desperate for my blood. Armed with only a sharpened wooden spoon, I lunged at the nearest gape-mouthed rioter, but
  • tripped. The mob trampled me as the fought each other. Just as a giant foot was coming down to snap my neck, I was pulled otu of the crowd by a wizard. My bones were broken in
  • all the right places, the wizard explained. "I believe we can splint in a few dragon bones I have found to construct your new skeleton & then you can join my menagerie of creatures
  • . But I really didn't intend to join any menagerie, nothing could be worse than being exhibited although I really needed a new skeleton to replace the wore out, old one
  • . I wanted a skeleton that was stronger than bones, yet still light weight and flexible to ensure maximum strength, durability & movement. After minutes of research I settled for
  • aluminium bones, as the internet claimed it to be a strong yet light metal. My android wife will be perfect. I paid someone to craft her skeleton and another to make her 'flesh'.
  • Unfortunately, the synthflesh was on backorder due to labor disputes in Taipei. Staring vacant among the bubblewrap, my android wife's skeleton and positronic brain arrived.
  • It was a Saturday night, so I stuffed her bionics into a knapsack, and ran to the barn dance. She was still programmed for Mandarin so I had difficulty in introducing her to
  • the gang. In the end,it didn't matter because she could square dance like none other! Trouble was, I couldn't turn her off when it was over.I had to leave her there, still dancing.


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