I guess Mabel Jones was tired of being the

  • I guess Mabel Jones was tired of being the outcast of the neighborhood. One Saturday morning she released a squadron of autonomous weaponized robots from her two-car garage. Jeff
  • was the first to notice, and was just able to sound the community's weaponized robot invasion alarm before taking a fatal round in the neck. Mabel's robot swarm spread throughout
  • the town of Warbleton.avenging her incarceration for two cases of botulism caused by her homemade Farkleberry jam. Mabel controlled the tiny invading robots from her house arrest
  • ingly situated halfway over the lip of the Grand Canyon. There was the ever-present isk of the whole place tumbling over the edge, but how else could she control the mini-robots
  • from doing what they did best, world domination and drinking all the orange juice in the fridge without throwing away the carton. I'm not sure what the inventor was thinking, but
  • clearly he was under some kind of influence at the time. The dude was known for inventing stuff while high.
  • He once invented a new cryptocurrency that briefly was worth more than the universe but quickly crashed and nobody noticed it while up on top of a kid's slide in the park. The kid
  • Had a cat help him. The cat used a Kitty Mac and it was one amazing machine. The park caretaker found the cryptocurrency and kept it until almost three years later. That was when
  • cryptocurrency was abolished and it all became worthless. The caretaker cursed his bad luck and threw the obsolete money into the park dumpster. A homeless girl named Gert found it
  • odd that a "virtual" currency end up in an a corporal apparatus, & summoned Mulder & Scully. The intrepid duo predicted a hostile takeover and took permanent cover in the dumpster.


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