Wow, this class is so "fun" right? Web design

  • Wow, this class is so "fun" right? Web design is the
  • acme of human endevor. Not since the Sistine chapel has creative expression been so close to Godliness. We few who practice Web design are an elite breed of artist. Worship us now.
  • The laity stood and chanted the 2.0 verses of "Serve the Servers." Ned brushed the Doritos crumbs from his cleric robe in preparation for his Liturgy on Intelligent Web Design.
  • He rose from his ergonomic Bishops chair & ascended the Pulpit as the coffee boys chanted "Thanks to be the Server for his infinite bandwidth". The congregation replied, "
  • I'm gonna show you my genitalia, ohhhh." Suddenly, the ground shook, and everyone fell down with such conviction that their bums broke. "Oh my god! I have a crack on mines!"
  • "Better go to the ass doctor then!" I shouted. When the broken bum people left, I could finally rest, all these flashers and earthquakes had left me quite stressed out
  • man. The broken bum people. That's what they called themselves. They should have been called the broken record people. I was sad. I hugged myself. I cried in a napkin.
  • A lumberjack passed by and called me a pussy. I wanted to argue, but I knew he was right. Then he split my ovaries in two with his mighty hatchet and walked
  • right into a passing tour bus. Served him right. Clutching my wounded womb, I crawled toward the now terrified tour bus. But Mother Teresa was on board and she laid hands on me and
  • with a slip of her garter for me to bite down, the old nun whom I thought deceased aided me in delivering my litter of jackals. They're grown now, and made me very proud.


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