So she stood there. The barrista's "coolness"

  • So she stood there. The barrista's "coolness" was wearing thin. "Lady I have never made a Mocha-Frappa-Scone-Sandwich." The strollered child cried. Had he just called her "Lady?"
  • When she blushed, he realized he had. That was when the barrista decided to become a truck-driver, because politeness just wasn't ... well it just wasn't him. And to rule out aphas
  • ia he tossed a coin. Tails he wasn't. The relief! He loved being a truck driver, travelling all over the Continent to different land and cultures and telling everyone to f-off. It
  • was his calling. Through the years, he'd developed several variations on the traditional F-off. In addition to the standard F-you!, and the F-off and drive away, he had the Royal
  • F-Yo-Mama hand signal that resulted in the highest response rate in his entire F'n repertoire. He had a following by now, wrote a book entitled "F'n My Way Through America" & was
  • positively L-M-N-tal to the formation of pop's whole F'n scene. F-Yo-Mama's career only took off from there. At his "F Dis F Dat" concert he demanded alphabet soup with only F's.
  • The G's were jealous and could not stop sneezing. "Bloody phlegm", G sharp said as he used his G2 pen in green ink to draw the Tour Eggkgdxgnb. F sharp said, Wow! That is art."
  • C, E, and G made a factional triad, a major force to be reckoned with. E sharp said,"Can I join?, but they said, "No, you're enharmonically the same as F so we don't need you."
  • E sharp sighed. It seemed he would never join that trio. Whatever. He didn't need them! He decided to gather his own band of misfits. E#, B# and G##.
  • E# played E#, B# played B#, & G## was A natural. Even though B# had an F clef palate & E# was flat footed & their play was all Accidental their dissonant chords proved harmonious.


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